Dimple creation, also known as dimpleplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to create dimples on the cheeks. Dimples are often considered charming and add a unique aesthetic to one's facial appearance. If you're looking to enhance your smile with the addition of dimples, dimple creation surgery may be the solution for you.

Reasons for considering dimple creation:

  • Enhancement of facial aesthetics with the addition of charming dimples
  • Desire for a unique and memorable facial feature
  • Boosting self-confidence and creating a more engaging smile
  • Non-permanent alternatives like makeup or piercing may not provide the desired results


The dimple creation procedure involves the following steps:

  • Administering local anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience
  • Marking the precise locations for dimple creation based on facial anatomy and desired outcome
  • Making a small incision on the inside of the cheek
  • Creating a small depression in the muscle to simulate a natural dimple
  • Closing the incision with dissolvable sutures

The entire process is typically quick, and patients can often resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.

Recovery and Results:

Recovery from dimple creation is generally straightforward, with minimal discomfort. Patients may experience some swelling and bruising initially, but this subsides over time. It's essential to follow post-operative care instructions provided by your dimple creation specialist.

Results are visible immediately, and as the swelling diminishes, the dimples will appear more natural. Over time, the dimples may become more prominent and defined.

If you have any concerns or questions during the recovery period, it's advisable to contact your dimple creation specialist for guidance.