Thread lift, also known as a thread facelift or non-surgical facelift, is a cosmetic procedure designed to lift and tighten sagging facial skin. This minimally invasive technique involves the use of dissolvable threads that are strategically placed under the skin to create a lifting effect. Thread lift is often chosen by individuals seeking facial rejuvenation without the need for surgery.


The thread lift procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • Consultation: A thorough consultation with the cosmetic surgeon to discuss goals, expectations, and assess the individual's candidacy for the procedure.
  • Marking: Marking of the treatment areas on the face to guide the placement of the threads for optimal lift.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is usually administered to numb the treatment areas and minimize discomfort.
  • Thread Placement: Dissolvable threads are strategically inserted under the skin using a thin needle. The threads have tiny cones or barbs that anchor into the tissue, creating a lifting effect when tightened.
  • Adjustment: The surgeon adjusts and trims the threads to achieve the desired lift and contour.

Areas commonly treated with thread lift:

  • Midface and cheek area for lifting and rejuvenation
  • Jawline and jowls for a more defined appearance
  • Neck for addressing sagging skin and wrinkles
  • Eyebrows for a subtle brow lift
  • Smile lines (nasolabial folds) for smoother skin

Advantages of thread lift:

  • Minimally Invasive: Thread lift is a non-surgical procedure with minimal incisions, reducing scarring and downtime.
  • Quick Procedure: The treatment can often be completed in under an hour, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Thread lift provides subtle and natural-looking results without drastic changes to facial features.
  • Collagen Stimulation: The presence of threads stimulates collagen production, contributing to improved skin texture and firmness over time.

Recovery and Results:

Recovery from a thread lift is relatively quick, with minimal discomfort and swelling. Patients can typically resume normal activities within a few days.

Results of a thread lift are noticeable immediately, and the lifting effect continues to improve as collagen production is stimulated. The duration of results can vary, but many individuals enjoy the benefits for several months to a year.